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Sunrise over the Himalayas


  • Post category:Travel Log

Breathe in… breathe out.

This is it! This week, I’m setting out to travel the world. It’s been stressful, to say the least. It was a hell of a fight to get to this point and I’m still shaking and still extremely unready. I went through all my finances and matched it all against every risk I could imagine. Every week, I come up with a new worst-case scenario. To manage these risks, I have two credit cards and travel insurance. Learn mroe about them on my Resources page

It’s been two months now since I quit my job and Murphy’s Law is so real right now! Money I expected to come in two weeks ago still hasn’t. And I found out two days ago that I may need to get a root canal treatment done on a molar, which will set me back a bit. Worse, I’ll need to get it done when I get to Siargao, my first destination. Shit happens. We just have to deal with them one by one.

This week, I’ll be taking the long way to Siargao from Cagayan de Oro City (I was born and raised here). I’ll take two bus rides and a ferry. I’ll do this instead of taking two flights – Yay! mother earth. I have all my stuff packed into one bag and I’m ready to go!

Catch you next week!


Do you want to know which tools I use to travel? Check out my Resources page.